Education Grants including Grants for Schools

2 min read
4 Dec 2023

Education is critical in helping to build a strong and equitable society.

In Australia, education grants are available to assist organisations to make a difference to the communities they serve and to individuals wanting to advance their learning. There is significant need for education funding, both to help sustain existing initiatives as well as to improve education and training opportunities for people experiencing disadvantage.

Organisations and individuals looking to find educational grants include:

  • Primary and secondary schools

  • Early childhood education

  • Higher education (including scholarships)

  • Not-for-profit organisations

  • Businesses

  • Local Councils

  • Other organisations, such as social enterprises

  • Students

  • Employees and prospective workers.

Education grants are available to provide funding for:

  • Increasing educational participation by children and young people, particularly those faced with disadvantage

  • Equipment and infrastructure grants for schools, including to promote inclusivity

  • Sporting programs to support the health and wellbeing of young people

  • Mental health programs for children and young people

  • Professional development for teachers and principals

  • Leadership development, skills and capacity building in all industries

  • Sustainability initiatives that teach people how to fight climate change

  • Increasing capacity for preschools and early childhood education providers

  • Adult community education programs

  • Scholarships and fellowships for students

  • Research, innovation and advocacy, including by Universities.

Many funding providers offer education grants, or grants that aim to meet educational objectives, and you can find educational grants are available from government, philanthropic and corporate funders.

If you are working in any area of education, below are some education specific grants currently open that are worth checking out.

Before applying for an education grant we recommend that you:

  • Read the grant guidelines in full before starting your application

  • Ensure you are eligible (and don’t go forward if you are not!)

  • Be clear but concise in your application responses

  • Include an accurate budget and other figures

  • Double check your work before you hit submit.

By following these tips, we hope that you will be successful in your journey to find and win funding for your education initiatives. The work that you do is so important to our community now and for our future - thank you for your passion and dedication to making a difference!


Schools Upgrade Fund - Government Schools

Supports government schools to invest in larger-scale capital fund projects, such as new classrooms, building refurbishments, outdoor learning spaces or major upgrades.

Applications close 29 February 2024.

View & Track Grant


Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science - Science Teaching Prizes

The Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science are Australia’s most prestigious and highly regarded awards for outstanding achievements in scientific research, research-based innovation or excellence in science teaching.

Applications close 8 February 2024.

View & Track Grant


James N. Kirby Foundation - Small Grants

Supports organisations and programs whose work benefits: health, education and technology, environment and social welfare and the arts.

Applications close 29 February 2024.

View & Track Grant


Fundraise Yourself

Provides a way for you to fundraise online for a project within your school that improves educational outcomes for students.

Applications are Always Open.

View & Track Grant

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