Grants can offer a critical revenue stream to charities, assisting with the costs of projects, programs, and even operating overheads. Many charities rely on and would not be able to continue without the support of grants.
Charities and other not-for-profit organisations who are looking for grants can find more than 1,000 grants through joining The Grants Hub.
How much is a typical charity grant?
The value of a charity grant might be small, say from $1,000, up to thousands and even millions of dollars. This will depend on:
- The size and objectives of the funding provider
- The total funding pool
- The size of the charity organisation
- The scope of the project or initiative.
For example, a community-based charity run by volunteers and/or part-time employees might start looking at small grants of a few thousand dollars.
A large state-based or national charity with an operating budget of more than $1m might be aiming for grants with a minimum of $10,000 - $20,000+.
Who makes grants for charities?
Charity grants are available from many different types of funding providers, including:
- Local councils
- State government
- Federal government
- Local businesses
- Private foundations
- Public foundations (including corporations).
What’s the difference between a charity donation and a grant?
From a tax perspective, donations and grants may be treated similarly (but not necessarily always). Donations are generally made 'no strings attached'. Your charity can use a donation towards whatever purpose you see fit.
Grants almost always come with some form of expectation, requirement, or restriction. The grant funder may:
- Expect you to use the money on a certain project or program
- Require you to not to use it for certain expenses, and/or
- Like some form of report showing how the money was spent, classically referred to as an acquittal report.
Funding providers use grant agreements to outline how they expect their contribution to be treated by the grant recipient.
What should you consider before applying for charity grants?
Before you apply for a charity grant, you should consider whether your organisation is ‘grant ready’. In other words:
- You have scoped out what your organisation is aiming to achieve
- You have resources that you can commit to grant seeking, grant applications, delivery of projects, and grant reporting.
There is a common misconception that a grant is ‘free money’.
However, most grant programs require your time and resources, and almost every funding provider will have expectations they want you to fulfil. Often, grants come with some strings attached.
Expect to spend some time looking for grants and preparing grant applications, for example, pulling together your:
- Project plan
- Quotes
- Budget
- Letters of support
- Other documents requested by the funder.
How can you be successful with grants?
Once you are grant-ready, make a plan about the types of grants you want to seek out and how you will manage your grants program. For example, smaller charities may want to focus on small, local grant opportunities. Many of these types of charities may decide to apply for state or national grants where there is a significant funding pool, increasing the chance of their success if they invest time in an application.
Some charities use volunteers, including board members, to seek out and apply for grants, while larger charities may invest in an employee or contractor who is responsible for grants research and development activities.
Regardless of size, many charities also invest in tools and services to help them on their grants journey.
A grants directory like The Grants Hub makes it easier to find grants that align with your organisation’s objectives, so that you’re only putting your time and energy into grants you’re eligible for. We'll also help you keep track of any changes to grant deadlines (this does happen!).
Below are just a few of the many charity grants you’ll find as a member of The Grants Hub:
Provides grants to charities and projects that assist communities, including in areas of education and youth, financial hardship, religion, and others.
Applications close 31 January 2025.
Harcourts Foundation Grants
Provides support for a specific event, project, item, or initiative that helps, grows, and enriches our communities.
Next round closes 3 February 2025.
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Brisbane Lord Mayor's Charitable Trust General Grants
Supports grassroots activities that make a significant difference to the lives of Brisbane’s most disadvantaged residents.
Next round opens 24 January 2025, with applications closing 7 February 2025.
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Early Childhood Development Grants
Seeks to improve learning and development outcomes for children through innovative programs and sector initiatives in early childhood (0–8 years old), in particular, programs that recognise and foster parental engagement in their children’s learning and development.
Next round opens 3 February 2025, with applications closing 21 February 2025.
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Strengthening Rural Communities – Small & Vital (up to $10,000)
Gives small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities.
Applications close 27 March 2025.
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