Bushfire Grants & Financial Assistance

7 min read
30 Oct 2023

This Summer is predicted to be one of the hottest and driest on record. Bushfires are already having a devastating impact on individuals, communities, businesses and the environment across multiple states. The Grants Hub team are committed to providing the latest information around financial assistance and bushfire grants available.

Please note these funding opportunities include both grants for bushfire prevention and recovery, along with more immediate disaster response grants. When it comes to disaster response the exact details of assistance packages available are constantly evolving and changing so we encourage you to reach out to funding providers directly for full support details.

We will continue to update this page in the coming weeks and months as more bushfire assistance and grants information becomes available.

If you’re a Funding Provider with a bushfire-related grant or financial assistance opportunity, please contact us to be added to this list.

If you have been affected by the bushfires in your area, please feel free to contact us for a special discount off our membership plans.



Disaster Recovery Allowance

Payments and help for people directly affected by bushfires, floods or other natural disasters.

Support for people affected by the bushfires in Queensland has been announced. Claims open on Tuesday 31 October 2023 at 2 pm and can be made online. More information will be available soon.


Salvation Army - Disaster & Emergency Support

The Salvation Army offers a range of services and assistance measures to help people who have been impacted by bushfires including:

  • Financial assistance

  • Emotional wellbeing and support services

  • Information, referrals and advice.


Local Council Support

Many local councils are offering their own range of support, such as waiving development application fees and rates deferment. Reach out to your local council to find out the support options they are offering.

Strengthening Rural Communities – Prepare & Recover

Supports communities in remote, rural and regional communities across Australia to implement initiatives that prevent and prepare for future climate related impacts, or recover from existing disasters through the medium to long term process.

Grants up to $25,000 are available for a broad range of initiatives to strengthen the capacity and capability of local people, organisations, networks, and systems that help communities to be informed, skilled, connected and resourced for the future.


Disaster Recovery Quick Response Grants

Assists any Indigenous corporation whose property has been directly affected by a declared natural disaster, such as a flood, bushfire, or cyclone. Indigenous corporations (incorporated) may be eligible for assistance through the program if:

  • Their property is within a State or Territory declared natural disaster area
  • They require immediate assistance to make their property safe to access.

The funding can be used for immediate clean up of your property, work to make your property safe, and purchase plant and equipment to assist with recovery efforts.


Quick Response Grants

Provides support for researchers to travel to areas affected by natural disasters to ensure that the impacts and perishable data are captured in a timely manner. This can help to identify significant research questions arising from major natural hazards and provide a context for developing more extensive research proposals.  Funding support is limited to $2,500 (excluding GST) per team for any individual event. 


Tradies for Fire Affected Communities

TFFAC was born as a place for tradies of all disciplines around the country, to put their hand up and donate their time and skills to those affected by these devastating bushfires.





Emergency Hardship Assistance

The Emergency Hardship Assistance Grant is available as a contribution to support people directly impacted by a disaster to meet their immediate essential needs. You can apply for $180 per person, up to $900 for a family of 5 or more, to help purchase food, clothing and medical supplies or secure temporary accommodation.



Essential Services Hardship Assistance Grant

The Essential Services Hardship Assistance (ESHA) grant helps people who have lost one or more essential services (i.e. electricity, gas, water or sewerage) at their home for more than 5 consecutive days due to a disaster. You can apply for $150 per person, up to $750 for a family of 5 or more, to assist with your immediate essential needs following loss of essential service/s at your home for more than 5 consecutive days. 

Essential Household Contents Grant
The Essential Household Contents Grant (EHCG) helps people who are uninsured, or unable to claim insurance, and who meet an income test, by providing a contribution towards repairing or replacing essential household contents that have been damaged or lost in a disaster.

Structural Assistance Grant
The Structural Assistance Grant (SAG) helps people who are uninsured, or unable to claim insurance, and who meet an income test, by providing a contribution towards repairs to their home to make it safe, secure and habitable following damage by a disaster. Uninsured, low income, owner-occupiers may receive up to a maximum of $50,000 to help repair your home to make it safe, secure and habitable.


Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Grant

The Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Scheme (ESSRS) grant helps people who are uninsured, or unable to claim insurance, and who meet an income test, by providing a contribution towards inspecting, repairing and reconnecting essential services (i.e. electricity, gas, water or sewerage) that were damaged by a disaster.


Transport & Motoring Assistance

If you live in a Queensland disaster-activated area, you may be eligible to apply for transport and motoring assistance for:

  • vehicle registration assistance
  • licensing and other transport and motoring products

RACQ Foundation Community Grant Program

Gives community groups, charities and sporting clubs the opportunity to rebuild after cyclones, severe storms, bushfires and drought. RACQ Foundation helps impacted community groups recover from flooding, weather events, drought, bushfire and other natural disasters. Applications to the RACQ Foundation are expected to be for amounts of up to $50,000, with grants of up to $100,000 considered in exceptional circumstances only. 

More here: https://www.racq.com.au/about-us/community/racq-foundation 

Emergency & Disaster Funding

The James Frizelle Charitable Foundation provides relief for all types of natural disasters including support of the volunteer brigades called upon in times of need particularly during fires and floods. Consideration is also given in this program to natural disasters occurring beyond the geographical boundaries normally supported.

More here: https://jamesfrizelle.org.au/our-partnership/ 

NAB Disaster Recovery Support

NAB has opened applications for $1000 Disaster Relief Grants to customers severely impacted by bushfires in NSW (Mid-Western, Mid North and Far North) and Queensland (Gladstone, Western and Darling Downs). The financial support will be available for those who were customers as of 09 October 2023 and live in disaster declared areas, as listed by the Department of Home Affairs' Disaster Assist website. The grants will be open until 10 November 2023.


New South Wales & ACT

Emergency & Disaster Funding

The James Frizelle Charitable Foundation provides relief for all types of natural disasters including support of the volunteer brigades called upon in times of need, particularly during fires and floods. Consideration is also given in this program to natural disasters occurring beyond the geographical boundaries normally supported.

More here: https://jamesfrizelle.org.au/our-partnership/ 

Bushfire Relief & Recover Campaign

An online version of the Bushfire Relief Fund Request form that pastors can use to request funds for their bushfire affected churches and communities. The funds collected for the bushfire response appeal will be used to support bushfire families in hardship with personal and family living needs. Funds are generally spent on food, fuel, utilities, mental and physical health needs, etc.


NAB Disaster Recovery Support

NAB has opened applications for $1000 Disaster Relief Grants to customers severely impacted by bushfires in NSW (Mid-Western, Mid North and Far North) and Queensland (Gladstone, Western and Darling Downs). The financial support will be available for those who were customers as of 09 October 2023 and live in disaster declared areas, as listed by the Department of Home Affairs' Disaster Assist website. The grants will be open until 10 November 2023.



Monash University Emergency Grants

If you're in financial hardship and need immediate support you may be eligible for the Emergency Grant payment of up to $500. This grant is for students whose financial situation is affecting their ability to continue their studies and are in need of urgent and immediate aid. The money is to help you to meet essential needs such as accommodation, food or technology, so you can continue your studies.

VIC Emergency - Emergency Relief Payments

Emergency relief payments are available for eligible community members whose homes have been impacted by the October 2023 fires and floods in Wellington Shire, East Gippsland and Wangaratta Shire to help them to meet their relief needs.

An emergency relief payment can help you to pay for things you need most, including food, clothing, medication and accommodation.



Western Australia

Disaster Ready Fund - WA Applications

Provides funding to assist communities to prevent disasters and improve resilience by investing in infrastructure and risk reduction activities.​ The Australian Government has established the Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) which will provide up to $200 million per year, over five years from 1 July 2023. The DRF will fund projects that build resilience to prepare for, or reduce the risk of, future natural hazard impacts.


Bank Financial Assistance Packages







Commonwealth Bank


Communications & Utilities Financial Assistance Packages

Contact your communications and utilities providers (e.g. Telstra, Optus, Energy Australia, Alinta Energy etc.) to see what assistance they are offering to bushfire affected customers.

Many providers are offering financial assistance packages, including bill credits or waivers to those immediately affected, as well as emergency services volunteers.