The nib foundation has released a revised grant program for 2019, which I’m very pleased to see is the ‘applicant friendly’ approach of a brief Expression of Interest, followed by a full application form if the applicant proceeds to the next round. This style of application saves applicants countless hours, and also increases efficiencies for funding providers; ultimately a win-win!
The Foundation’s new ‘Health Smart Grants’ are focussed on partnering with Australian charities that empower Aussie youth and young adults to make smarter health choices. Their priority prevention areas target risk factors that are modifiable and have the potential to prevent ill health including:
Healthy habits: Reducing smoking and harmful drinking, gambling, gaming, or screen-time
Wellbeing: Maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle through physical activity and healthy diet
Mental health: Raising awareness and promoting the value of self-care, healthy relationships, peer support and social connections
Sleep: Promoting the importance of sleep as a protective health factor and helping people establish good sleep habits
Maintaining health: Pre-emptively managing prevalent health conditions and risks.
In terms of geographic focus, Clay Frost, Partnerships Manager at nib foundation says,
“We have a national footprint. We do try to retain a presence in the Hunter, to honour our roots as a Newcastle based company, but there are no firm targets around this. It really comes down to the strength of applications.”
A funding pool of $320,000 will be distributed to six successful grant recipients who will each receive $40,000 in grant funding. A 'Peoples Vote' will also be held during the grant period, where two of our six grantees will receive an additional $40,000 in funding as voted by nib members and the wider public.
The ‘People’s Vote’ is trend we are seeing more and more in the grants space. If you’re an organisation wanting to attract grants, make sure you think about how you can strengthen your social media presence and engage your followers if you want to win ‘voting’ style grants.
Applications for the Health Smart Grants are open until 30 August 2019.
If you’re a member of The Grants Hub, you can stay organised by saving the grant to your Favourites or Grants Calendar.
Jessie Ballantyne
Founder & CEO