Grant Writers

Get added to our list of Australian Grant Writers. With 55,000+ people in our network and our #1 position on Google, this is a list you want to be on.


Our Audience & Traffic

Website Traffic Statistics - 19000+ users, 35000+ visits, 152000+ page views
Email & Social Media Statistics - 42000+ newsletter, 12000 Facebook, 1800+ Twitter, 950+ Instagram, 900+ LinkedIn

Grant Writer Advertising Packages

GST exclusive

12 months
Raise your profile & be found by an active community of grant seekers.
Grant Writer Listing
Banner Ad in Grant Highlights (generic)
- 6 times/year
Social Media Post across all channels (generic)
- 6 times/year
In-App Banner Ad in our Grants Directory (generic)
- 4 times/year
12 months
Ideal for if you're eager to be found & want to showcase your expertise.
Grant Writer Listing
Banner Ad in Grant Highlights (generic)
- 6 times/year
Social Media Post across all channels (generic)
- 6 times/year
In-App Banner Ad in our Grants Directory (generic)
- 4 times/year
Guest Blog Post
- Showcase your expertise through a feature post on our Blog
- Author credit & links to socials and website
- Blog featured in our Grant Highlight email (audience of 44,000+)
- Blog shared across all social channels
12 months
The ultimate choice for maximum exposure.
Grant Writer Listing
Banner Ad in Grant Highlights (generic)
- 6 times/year
Social Media Post across all channels (generic)
- 6 times/year
In-App Banner Ad in our Grants Directory (generic)
- 4 times/year
Guest Blog Post
- Showcase your expertise through a feature post on our Blog
- Author credit & links to socials and website
- Blog featured in our Grant Highlight email (audience of 44,000+)
- Blog shared across all social channels
Top of Page Featured Grant Writer Listing
- 2 months
Custom Banner Ad in Grant Highlights
- 2 times/year

Not ready to commit?

Start with a 3-month Bronze listing for $399. It's the perfect amount of time to see if we're a good fit.

'Join The List' and mention this offer in the comments.

** New Grant Writers only.

Grant Writer Testimonials

I’ve had the pleasure of watching The Grants Hub expand and develop its comprehensive search engine over the past nine years. TGH has been pivotal for me; in the first instance when I commenced grant writing for my sport club, then as I wrote for community organisations, until I started professional grant writing across business and not-for-profits, with an expanding team of my own. The Grants Hub is like a good wine ageing, improving over time, with Jessie and Justin and their team always listening to their users.
Jenny Lawson

Successful Grants

I’ve advertised with The Grants Hub for years, which has proven to be really valuable - consistently providing referrals of businesses and charities alike who are serious about getting support for grant writing.
Leslie Annear

Clarity Content

Listing Renewals

All prices are GST exclusive.